Fordham University’s faculty and staff remain leaders in their fields, innovating and making meaningful contributions across disciplines. Their dedication and expertise are regularly recognized with prestigious honors and awards. Take a look at the latest achievements from our community below.

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Dean McKay, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES, professor of psychology, published the chapters “Anxiety Disorders” and “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” in the book Science-Based Therapy: Raising the Bar for Empirically Supported Treatments, published by Cambridge University Press on Jan. 10.

He also testified before the Washington State Senate on Feb. 13 in opposition to a bill to permit psychologists to prescribe medications, a result of a critical commentary paper he lead-authored titled “Suicide Risk, Psychosocial Interventions, and the Proper Role of Psychopharmacological Agents: A Comment on Hughes et al.” (2023) to be published in Professional Psychology: Research & Practice.

Michele Prettyman, Ph.D., ARTS AND SCIENCES, assistant professor of communication and media studies, published her article “Woman, Alone? Camille Billops, Self-Possession, and Older Women and Love (1987)” in the winter issue of the Feminist Media Histories Journal on Jan.1. 

Samantha Stone, ARTS AND SCIENCES, adjunct professor of English, published a children’s picture book, The Kitchen Magician, on Jan. 30.


Giorgia Sabia is the communications coordinator for the office of University Communications at Fordham. She can be reached at [email protected] or (212) 903-2040.